Sheet of paper hanging in ink - 2013 <details>
A hanging sheet of blotting paper that is absorbing ink out of
a container.
Sheet of paper hanging in ink - 2013 <hide details>
Pots with willow branches - 2013 <details>
Five long willow branches cut into seven pieces divided over
five stacks of pots held together using lashings. The pieces
of willow are standing in a layer of water individual began to
grow again.
Pots with willow branches - 2013 <hide details>
Steel tube standing in water - 2012 <details>
An oxidizing iron tube standing in a tank filled with water.
Steel tube standing in water - 2012 <hide details>
Plant on a shelf - 2012 <details>
The growth/weight of the plant (Crassula ovata)
determine the
bending of the plank.
Plant on a shelf - 2012 <hide details>
Fans and styrofoam balls - 2012 <details>
Six fans pointed to the corner, the wind they create make the
styrofoam balls swarm.
Fans and styrofoam balls <video> - 2012 <hide details>
Concrete rings around oak trees - 2012 <details>
A book with pictures of concrete rings placed around small oak
trees. Inside the concrete are brass plates with the date of
placement on it. The plate creates a weak spot in the ring.
If the trees grow big and break the rings, the plate/date will
be released.
Concrete rings around oak trees - 2012 <hide details>
Stalagmite stalactite - 2011 <details>
A mixture of water and baking soda dripping out of
a container that’s standing on top of a wooden structure.
Stalagmite stalactite - 2011 <hide details>
Barely floating sculptures - 2011 <details>
Objects connected with each other based on their weight and
buoyancy. These group of floating sculptures are as close as
possible to the point of sinking.
Barely floating sculptures - 2011 <hide details>
Print of a rock in frozen fabric - 2010 <details>
A copy of the shape of a rock made with a frozen piece
of fabric.
Print of a rock in frozen fabric - 2010 <hide details>
2007 - 2012 Bachelor Degree | Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam | Fine Arts
2002 - 2007 MBO | ROC van Twente, Enschede | Graphic design
2013 SODOM&GOMORRAH (Group Exhibition) Amsterdam/NL
2013 De Constanten, Het Langhuis (Duo Exhibition) Zwolle/NL
2013 Daily change, Corrosia (Group Exhibition) Almere Haven/NL
2012 Eindexamen expositie, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, (Group Exhibition) Amsterdam/NL
2011 Stalagmite/Stalactite, Rietveld Paviljoen, (Solo Exhibition) Amsterdam/NL
2011 Rock, Paper, Scissors- Retort Art Space, (Group Exhibition) Amsterdam/NL
2011 Project 8, 8 House, (Group Exhibition) Kopenhagen/DK
2011 “It might never happen again” Tolstraat, (Group Exhibition) Amsterdam
2010 Citroën garage, (Group Exhibition) Amsterdam/NL
2009 Rietveld in Tolstraat, (Group Exhibition) Amsterdam/NL
2007 Cafe Jansen&Jansen, (Solo Exhibition) Enschede/NL
Artist Statement
The works are developed after a research into materials; what is the behavior of material under particular circumstances, what are the physical characteristics and how do they determine the appearance of the material. This research often results in an installation where, within a certain timeframe, the process of transformation (f.i. shape, color, structure) occurs. This change and the complexity of it, which manifests itself, is what fascinates me.